Monday 9 June 2008


Wanderlust (Interscope): D

How hot is Rossdale anyway? Is the former Bush frontman Brad Pitt hot or just Ashton Kutcher hot? For his sake, the mimbo better be Brad because he’ll be selling “Wanderlust” on looks alone. Warning: Stop reading if you’ve got a weak stomach because you’re about to dive into some vomit-inducing imagery. Take four parts “Glycerine,” add one part James Blunt, one part mid-’80s Queen and one part Phil Collins in his “Another Day in Paradise” phase. That’s right, gloomy, faux-arty prog, adult contemporary post-grunge. Only ex-Helmet guitarist Chris Traynor’s playing elevates this from F status. For the 10-second intro riff, download: “This is Happiness.”