Monday 9 June 2008

Twisted Tower Dire

Twisted Tower Dire   
Artist: Twisted Tower Dire



Crest Of The Martyrs   
 Crest Of The Martyrs

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Hailing from Chantilly, VA, Twisted Tower Dire proudly wave the flagstone of classic big metal, their heroic phantasy anthems divine by original edgar Lee Masters care Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and so onward, and thence existing in something of a vacuum cleaner from temporal trends and set fashions. Formed in 1995 by castoffs from various local bands, Twisted Tower Dire mainstays Tony Taylor (vocals), Dave Boyd (guitar), Scott Waldrop (guitar), and Marc Stauffer (drums) get recorded numerous EPs and trio full albums, each of these with a different bassist, as follows: 1999's The Curse of Twisted Tower (with four-stringer Jim Murad), 2001's The Isle of Hydra (with Mike Engel), and 2003's Crest of the Martyrs (with Jim Hunter -- as well of doomsters While Heaven Wept).

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